Shady Meadow Mix
This mix is perfect for spaces with limited direct sunlight, such as most of the gardens in the Northeast! This mix contains both annuals and perennials, and can be sown in a prepared plot either in the fall or in the spring. The contents of mixes are wide and broad. Not every species will establish itself, but many will, giving way to varied habit suited to your location. This annual and perennial mix contains Chinese Forget-Me-Nots, Annual Candytuft, Baby Blue Eyes, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Baby’s Breath, Rocket Larkspur, Corn Poppy, Chinese Houses, Shasta Daisy, Sweet William, Spurred Snapdragon, Johnny Jump Up, Clarkia, McKana Giants Columbine, Dwarf Columbine, Forget-Me-Not, Tussock Bellflower
500 seeds sows 25-30 square feet; 1 ounce sows 80-100 square feet; 4 ounces sows 300-500 square feet; and 1 pound sows 1200-2000 square feet.