Tomato, Geranium Kiss
Geranium Kiss
Solanum lycopersicum (80 days)
Stocky 2 ft determinate plants that grow like a nice bush. Would make an excellent tomato for urban and container gardens. Another gem from the hyper-tress breeding work of Dr. Alan Kapuler and then improved and maintained by Peace Seedlings (Dylana Kapuler and Mario DiBenedetto) in Corvalis, OR. Compact plants produce an impressive flush of 20-70, 1 oz fruits, 3-4 sets, a “one-stake wonder”. Peace seeds original. Dwarf indeterminate.
*One pic is of Dyana Kapuler, daughter of original breeder, who has taken over the breeding and maintenance of this variety
Packet: 1/4 g (~30 seeds)