Tomato, Nebraska Wedding
Nebraska Wedding
Solanum esculentum (90 days)
First listed in the 1983 Seed Savers Exchange Yearbook by Dorothy Beiswenger of Crookston, Minnesota who originally received the seeds from a Mrs. Englert of Sandpoint, Idaho, who was seventy-two years old at that time. Mrs. Englert told a story that her pioneer ancestors from Minnesota had brought the seeds with them when they settled in western Nebraska in the late 1800’s. It was Mrs. Englert’s claim that the seeds of this tomato were given to Nebraska brides as wedding gifts. Fruits are large (2-3”, 4-7 oz) and more orange than yellow. They scored very high in our on-farm taste tests and their color and appearance were found to be very pleasing.
Packet (1/4 g. ≈ 30 seeds)