Cucumber, Green Finger
CUCUMBER, Green Finger (65 days)
Cucumis sativus
This is a fine OP Persian cucumber that is ideal for market growers or home gardeners. It has very thin, dark green skin, and the crisp flesh is sweet, juicy, burpless, and never bitter. It’s a truly gourmet variety that is highly prolific, producing up to 15 fruits per plant. Average size is 6-8″, although the fruit holds its quality and can be picked anywhere from 4 to 10″ long. (of course, if you pick baby cukes, you can expect to harvest even more. A beit-alpha type, open pollinated cucumber recently developed by Cornell University. It is one of the only OP cucumbers available that is resistant to a host of significant foliar diseases including powdery mildew, papaya ringspot virus, watermelon mosaic virus, and zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Thanks to Steve Peters from Seed Revolution now for introducing us to this variety.
Packet (1 g ≈ 25 seeds)