Eats both aphids and whiteflies!
Chrysopa rufilabris This is a voracious predator, attacking almost any soft-bodied insect that crosses its path. Best known for eating aphids and whiteflies (up to 60 per hour). Lacewings are shipped to you hatching or close to hatching by the time you receive them. When released they will lay eggs and provide several generations of predators. About 5,000–10,000 lacewings will cover the average yard. Complete instructions are included. Green lacewings are shipped express and should be released upon arrival.
Beneficial insects will be shipped immediately when ordered unless prior arrangements have been made with our office. Delayed shipments are not always possible. Additional shipping charges may be applied to delayed shipments.
When using beneficial insects, it is important to avoid disruptive chemicals. We recommend releasing beneficial insects outdoors from April through September, based on your local weather conditions. They may be released in your greenhouse anytime. Available only within the contiguous US.