Scarlet Runner Pole Bean Seeds
Scarlet Runner beans have been cultivated in the mountains of Central America since at least 2,000 BC. It was introduced to North America and Europe in the early 1700s and quickly became popular for its rapid growth and excellent culinary properties. Technically a perennial but cultivated as an annual in colder climates, Scarlet Runner is grown both as a food plant and an ornamental plant.
The plants produce an abundance of small delicate flowers that are a brilliant scarlet red, providing a beautiful contrast with the dark green, heart-shaped foliage. Vigorous vines can climb up to 2-3 meters tall or more, so make sure to provide plenty of support with poles, fences or trellises. They grow so tall, in fact, you could create a teepee for kids to play in. Scarlet runner is eye-candy that makes for a stunning addition to any garden.
This old-fashioned garden favourite produces high yields of knife-shaped bean pods that are best picked at 8-12’’ long. The beans are better eaten when young and stringless, before they become too fibrous. Pick mature pods every day or so to promote continuous blooming and to prevent the plants from shutting down. The seeds can be cooked fresh or dried for later use. They are an ingredient in many classic dishes from around the world. Scarlet runner is a showy plant with its profusion of spectacular flowers that are especially loved by hummingbirds. The crimson red petals are edible and have a sweet bean-like flavour, a great way to colour up your salads and desserts!
– Row Spacing: 50-90 cm
Pole beans and bush beans are tender annual vegetables beloved by many. This iconic summer crop can be easily and practically grown in the home garden. Sow seeds directly into the garden when soil temperatures reach at least 10-15°C and after the danger of the last frost has passed. Do not start seeds early; transplanting can too easily damage the fragile root system.
Choose a sunny well-drained site to plant your beans. Because pole beans utilize their vines to grow vertically they will need support structures, such as stakes, a trellis or fencing installed before planting. Plant pole beans about 2 cm deep and 8 cm apart. Plant bush beans every 8 cm in rows about 45 cm apart. In order to have a continual harvest throughout the season, start new plantings every two weeks.
Beans fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil, therefore do not need much supplemental fertilizing, though a dose of compost after a heavy flowering would be a nice midseason pick-me-up. It’s a good idea to rotate the location of your beans from year to year so that other crops can take advantage of their nitrogen deposits.
Be sure that your beans stay well-watered. If not, they will cease flowering. For this reason, rows of beans will benefit from the application of mulch around the base of the plants. This helps keep their shallow root base moist and cool. When pole beans outgrow their support, pinch out the top of the plants to encourage lower growth.
Harvest beans when they are young and tender. The best time of day to pick is in the morning, when the sugar content is highest. Pick as often as possible, as this will promote a more bountiful harvest.
– Beans in their wild state were first gathered in Afghanistan and the Himalayan foothills over 12,000 years ago. The first signs of cultivation of the beans were in Asia in 7,000 BCE and the first large-seeded broad beans varieties appeared in 2,000 BCE in ancient Egypt. A few varieties of beans were also already cultivated when the Europeans first came to America.
– There are four main types of beans: 1-Pole beans are a vining plant that needs a structure to climb, like a trellis or a fence. 2- Bush beans, on the other hand, are shorter and freestanding. 3- Snap beans can be eaten raw, with the pod. 4- Shell beans are meant to be opened up, so the seeds inside can be eaten.
– Bean seeds will remain viable for 3 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.