Nan Ling Cutting Celery Seeds
Nan Ling Cutting celery, often simply referred to as Chinese celery, is an Asian variety with a soft, sweet flavour. Cutting celery is synonymous with numerous Chinese dishes, as a descendant of wild celery it has been cultivated in China since at least the Han Dynasty, dating around 200 BCE-200 CE.
Smaller than typical celery bunches, Nan Ling Cutting is desired for its tender, straight stalks and broad leaves. Used mostly for cooking because of its overpowering raw flavour, it is reminiscent of its relative parsley. Stalks grow to be 30-45 cm tall and are ready to harvest anywhere from 60-90 days, depending on climate and conditions. Once stalks reach 30 cm tall, harvest as needed to encourage more shoots. Considered easy to grow, Nan Ling will thrive in cool temperatures.
The soft, tender nature of Nan Ling Cutting celery adds a smooth texture and unmistakable flavour, much more intense than standard Western celery. This particular heirloom variety lends an authentic taste to Asian cuisine, especially stir fries and soups. Expect an abundance of tasty green stems and leaves to liven up your dishes all throughout the growing season.
– Row Spacing: 60-90 cm
Dense hearts of tall green stalks will reward the home gardener who accepts the challenge of growing this long season, cool weather vegetable. To get a head start on the season, celery seeds should be started 10-12 weeks before the last spring frost.
Spread seeds in flats, about 2 cm apart. You can firm the seeds into place, but there is no need to cover with soil. Celery seeds will require light to germinate, usually taking about 2-3 weeks. Set under lights for 16 hours/day and keep seeds moist by misting and/or bottom watering. Try to keep the ambient temperature an ideal 21°C.
When seedlings develop their second true leaf, either thin them out or transplant individuals into deeper pots. Prepare for transplanting by hardening off the young plants. Reduce watering a bit and expose gradually to the sun and outdoor elements. Cold weather can cause celery to bolt, so wait until night time lows stay above 4°C. Seedlings can be transplanted into the bed about 20-25 cm apart, water well.
Celery will thrive in cooler temperatures, rich soil and under full sun. Because of its shallow roots, mulch, thorough waterings and top dressing with fertilizer are good practices to enrich overall plant health.
Stalks can be tied together to keep from spreading. Practice blanching by covering or wrapping stalks with brown bag paper or cardboard. Do not cover the leaves. Sheltering from the sun will help prevent the development of bitter tasting stalks.
Celery can take up to 100 days to harvest. The whole bunch can be cut at once, but individual stalks can be continually picked throughout the fall until the last frost. Harvest stalks from the outside in when stalks reach 8 cm tall and enjoy a long season of celery’s refreshing ribs.
– Celery has been cultivated for its seeds and leaves since antiquity as an aromatic and medicinal plant. The Italians domesticated celery as a vegetable in the 1500s, resulting in selections with solid stems.
– Celery seeds will remain viable for 3 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.