Tulip Spring Green Flower Bulbs
The creamy white blooms with vivid green striping are very eye-catching in the border border. Very reliable they return year after year.
Perennial Tulips
For border planting or naturalising you need reliable tulips that return year after year without fading – and these varieties are tried and tested to do just that. From the Viridiflora group, this variety bears the attractive green flaming on their cup-shaped blooms.
Plant your tulips between November and December at a depth of approximately 10-15cm/4-6in, approximately 20cm/8in apart, in fertile, well-drained soil in a sunny position. Planting sooner can result in frost damage to the growing shoot. We recommend dead-heading once the blooms begin to fade and feeding with a fertiliser for a few weeks for stronger bulbs next season.
All our bulbs supplied as top grade bulbs.