Narcissi Successional Flower Bulb Collection
What could be better than four months of these delightful spring favourites, lifting the gloom of winter and welcoming in the summer months. Plant together in pots, window boxes or borders for long-lasting and easy displays. These classic garden daffodils will create the traditional spring-time scene with their bright and distinctive blooms nodding in the breeze upon their sturdy stems. Familiar across the whole of the UK, allow to naturalise in lawns or plant in groups to welcome in the spring. Grow in any well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade.
N. ‘Baby Moon’ (Jonquilla) Multiple flowers (up to ten) surround each stem, of canary yellow blooms. The small-cupped flower heads are very distinct and scented too. A recent introduction.
N. ‘Rip Van Winkle’ This unusual heirloom variety was first introduced in 1884 but its playful appearance continues to make it a worthy feature of any display. Fully double with a mass of finely cut, pointed petals, this dwarf variety well-suited to container growing.
N. poeticus var. recurves – old pheasant’s eye (Species) This classic is a real beauty with large snow white petals swept back from a small but eye-catching yellow-orange cup and completed with a delicious, spicy fragrance. One of the last daffodils to flower, this longstanding favourite is great in the vase or used for naturalising. Top grade bulbs supplied.