Showing 1–12 of 85 results

Achillea Summer Berries Sale

Original price was: $2.00.Current price is: $1.00.
Achillea Summer Berries A glorious mix in pastel shades of orange, pink and red, perfect at the back of a

Ammi majus Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $1.25.Current price is: $0.62.
Ammi majus Very pretty and elegant with lace-like umbels made up of tiny white flowers – rather like fancy cow

Ammi visnaga Online

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.25.
Ammi visnaga Dense green and white domed blooms borne in profusion throughout the summer. The perfect border filler and wonderful

Antirrhinum Twilight Mixed Sale

Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $0.75.
Antirrhinum Twilight Mixed Pretty ‘Snapdragons’ in shades of rose, pink and yellow, contrasted beautifully by the dark, almost black foliage.

Antirrhinum Twinny Rose F1 Online Sale

Original price was: $3.99.Current price is: $2.00.
Antirrhinum Twinny Rose F1 A wonderful open flowered, dwarf ‘Snapdragon’ with masses of blooms produced on naturally compact and bushy

Aquilegia alpina Fashion

Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $0.75.
Aquilegia alpina Bonnet-shaped, rich violet blue flowers nod gently in the breeze. Easy going and tolerant, lovely in cottage garden

Aquilegia William Guinness Online now

Original price was: $1.75.Current price is: $0.88.
Aquilegia William Guinness Deep maroon-purple bonnets are beautifully contrasted by white petals. A dramatic addition to the late spring/early summer

Aster Duchess Mixed Discount

Original price was: $2.99.Current price is: $1.50.
Aster Duchess Mixed Impressive chrysanthemum-like blooms in a pretty mix of colours. Brilliant for the late summer border and fabulous

Aubrieta Royal Series Supply

Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $0.75.
Aubrieta Royal Series Often seen tumbling over walls in the spring. A colourful, mat-forming, evergreen perennial which offers brilliant ground

Calendula Indian Prince Supply

Original price was: $1.25.Current price is: $0.62.
Calendula Indian Prince Masses of spicy orange petals, mahogany red on the reverse, to add some zing to beds and

Calendula Snow Princess Hot on Sale

Original price was: $1.75.Current price is: $0.88.
Calendula Snow Princess Beautiful creamy white flowers are a charming addition to a mixed border blooming all summer long and

Calendula Sunset Buff Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $0.75.
Calendula Sunset Buff Masses of soft apricot petals, mahogany red on the reverse. These easy-to-grow flowers make a pretty addition