ALBA Online now
ALBABorago officinalis var. ‘Alba’ The beautiful and rare ivory version of blue-flowered borage. The plants are easy to grow and
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AMERICAN GINSENGPanax quinquefolius Wild specimens of American Ginseng, sometimes as old as a century or more, have been threatened by
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ANGELICAAngelica archangelica Perfect for cooks and herbalists alike, this biennial is used in traditional medicine to treat numerous ailments and,
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AROMA II Online Hot Sale
AROMA II70 days. An improved selection of our gold standard in Genovese-type basil varieties, Aroma II boasts the same heavenly
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ARP Sale
ARPRosmarinus officinalis Surviving down to zone 5 with minimal protection, Arp is about as hardy as rosemary gets. This means
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BAY LAUREL Online Hot Sale
BAY LAURELLaurus nobilis Also called Sweet Bay, spaghetti sauce and stew aren’t complete without it. The flavor imparted by the
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BLACK PEPPER VINEPiper nigrum No spice cabinet is complete without Black Pepper, and here’s an opportunity to grow your very
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BLACK VELVETTropaeolum majus The deepest, darkest, richest, ruby-black blooms grace tidy plants. For a dramatically thrilling display, Black Velvet provides
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BLUE Discount
BLUEAgastache rugosa A wonderful plant that benefits the gardener and wildlife alike. Honeybees and butterflies love the nectar from the
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BORAGE Fashion
BORAGEBorago officinalis The star-like flowers can be frozen in ice for summer drinks, and the flowers and cucumber-flavored leaves are
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BRONZE FENNELFoeniculum vulgare A non-bulbing fennel. Add a sweet touch of licorice flavor to your dinner with this enchanting herb.
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CALYPSO Online Sale
CALYPSOCoriandrum sativum 65 days. Most gardeners resort to successive plantings of coriander seed if they want lengthy harvests of fresh
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