Baby F1 Hybrid Cauliflower (15 seeds), Container Collection
About– Only container cauliflower on the market! Produces a dense softball-sized head that is delicious fresh, steamed, or in a stir-fry. Has a sweet aftertaste and edible leaves, allowing you to maximize your container yields! Bring it indoors for a fun centerpiece.
Planting– Plant in the spring after all danger of frost has passed or in fall up to 6 weeks prior to the first frost. Plant a few seeds in a 4-5” pot and thin to 1 plant per pot. Requires cooler temperatures to grow.
Care & Harvest– Be sure to keep the soil moist and fertilize once a week with a low nitrogen fertilizer. Harvest just before the heads begin to separate.
Where– Full Sun
Depth– ¼”
Spacing– 6”
Maturity– 35-42 Days
Approximate Seeds per Pkt– 15