Baldwin Apple Tree
A New England variety from the 1700s. Large fruits are shiny, with a crimson red blush over copper-green skin, bright white, crisp, juicy flesh, and an aromatic, sharp, sweet flavor. Excellent for baking or eating fresh, and an outstanding keeper.
2 year old bare-root trees from our farm partner, Full Circus Farm in Pine Plains, NY.
All of our apple trees are offered on M111 root stock. This root stock leads to “semi-dwarf” fruit tree size, which is typically 15-20 feet high. M111 is adaptable to many soil types, and has been known to perform better in dryer soils and climates than other varieties.
Pollinator needed, recommended to cross pollinate with Liberty, Esopus Spizenburg, Hudson’s Golden Gem or Northern Spy.
Ploidy: Triploid – will not pollinate another variety.
At this time, all of our bare-root fruit trees are offered for local pick up only, at our Accord, NY location.