Black Nightshade, Managu
Managu, Black Nightshade
(75 days) Solanum nigrum –
While most gardeners in the USA would not think of growing black nightshade (Solanum nigra) which is a Eurasia weed that typically grows to 12-24” tall with purplish black fruits, this is a different species (Solanum nigrum) which grows wild throughout Eastern Africa and has been widely domesticated as a nutritious green vegetable. It is typically parboiled and then the water discarded as the leaves contain also contain high levels of vitamin A, B, and C, and phenolics and alkaloids.
Unbeknownst to most people, all members of the Solanacea (nightshade) family including peppers and tomatoes contain trace amounts of nicotine! What we found amazing about growing this species is its tall growth habit to over 4’ and its larger clusters of deep purple fruit that would likely make an incredible natural dye. Luther burbank bred a hybrid form called Wonder Berry with sweet palatable fruits (Solanum burbankii).
Packet: 1/4g