Collards, Cascade Glaze
Collards, Cascade Glaze (60 days)
Brassica oleracea Â
An old heirloom from 1820 called Green Glaze that was revitalized through the breeding work of Alan Kapuler, Carol Deppe and Jeff McCormack. Cascade Glaze is unique in that its leaves have a shiny light green glaze to them as opposed to the typical blue-green of most brassicas. They are winter hardy down to 0 degrees and can also withstand heat better than most kales. It’s possible that the waxy characteristic of the leaves gives them some added insect resistance. Sweet and tender flavor through the seasons and especially in fall and winter. SSF OSSI (Open Source Seed Initiative) Pledged Variety.
Packet (1/2 g. ≈ 125 seeds)