Colorado Blue Columbine Seeds
Colorado Blue columbine, also known as Blue Rocky Mountain columbine, is a short-lived perennial that self-seeds abundantly in the right conditions. Originally native to the cliffs and meadows of the mountains of Colorado, at elevations of 10,000-13,000 feet, this wildflower is prized by many gardeners for its unique look.
The clump-forming plant will grow to about 2 feet with fern-like, grey-green foliage. Colorado Blue columbine features beautiful two-tone star-like flowers, measuring 2-3 inches wide with creamy-white and violet-blue petals. An easy-to-grow wildflower that will thrive in part shade to full sun, it is an ideal candidate for beds, borders, shade gardens, containers and window boxes. Makes stunning cut flowers.
– Life Cycle: Perennial
– Days to Maturity: Second-year
– Planting Depth: 3-4 seeds 3-4 mm deep or broadcast directly
– Growth Habit: 30-60 cm tall
Popular for their unmistakable beauty and ease of care, columbines never disappoint. Once established, the perennial plant will produce flowers for years while continually self-seeding. Most varieties of columbines typically bloom from the middle of spring into the summer. Although the flowers exude a tender elegance, they are actually quite resilient to cold weather, drought and wildlife. Best yet, the beautiful blooms draw in bees, hummingbirds and butterflies.
When starting columbine from seed, it may take up to two years for plants to bloom, but the subsequent years of delightful flowers will be worth the effort. A cold stratification period of three to four weeks will prepare seeds for the germination process. Put them in the refrigerator up to a month before planting time.
Seeds can be started indoors eight to ten weeks before the last spring frost, or directly sown into the garden in the spring. Indoors, press seeds into a moist, warm seed-starting mix, but do not cover. Columbine seeds require light to germinate, about 16 hours per day. A grow light will be necessary to achieve this indoors during early spring months.
Seeds usually take up to 30 days to germinate, so it will be necessary to have patience. When seedlings develop true leaves and reach 10 cm in height, they can be repotted into larger containers. Move them outside on warm days in late spring to harden off before transplanting into the garden. Space transplants or thin seedlings 45-60 cm apart and keep them well watered until established.
Columbine will tolerate full sun in cool climates, but partial shade is preferable to get the best results. Their flowering window is short and when the blooms fade, a break from the sun is greatly appreciated. Cool temperatures will lead to more flowers, whereas excessive heat can cause a plant to go dormant.
A light, sandy or loamy soil will work well for columbines. Soil should also be well-drained. Plants can be mulched to retain water, suppress weeds and keep roots cool. To promote dense foliage and bright flowers, columbine can be fed monthly with a liquid fertilizer of your choice.
Stay on top of deadheading to encourage new buds to emerge along the stems. If tended to regularly, this can extend the blooming multiple weeks into the summer. In the fall, plants should be cut to the ground and mulched to protect them from freezing temperatures in the winter.
When harvesting for cut flower displays, take the bloom when it is half open. Flowers will last about a week in a vase.
– The name Columbine comes from the Latin word Columba, meaning dove-like.
– Columbine flowers are edible and have a sweet flavour.
– Columbine seeds will remain viable for two years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.