Cool Season Flowers Collection
Cool Season Flowers Collection (10 packets)
Are you ready to expand your flower growing season beyond the frost-free period? There are many cool season annuals that thrive outside when the frost-tender flowers won’t dare. Bring color and bouquets from the garden into your life earlier in the Spring and later into Fall with this selection of 10 seed packets (includes growing tips) of: Argostemma, Bells of Ireland, Calendula Resina, Dame’s Rocket, Orach Plume Series, Phacelia Bee’s Friend, Poppy Jimi’s Purple Haze, Poppy Pink Peony, Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy, Sweet Pea Sweet Cream & Berry Mix. We reserve the right to make substitutions to this collection with other similar varieties, if necessary. Â
$45.00Â (Save 10% off the individual packet price)Â Â