Corn, Siskiyou Pink
Corn, Siskiyou Pink, Flour (85-95 days)
Zea mays
This variety is part of our ongoing effort to adapt and stabilize new landraces that are useful staple crops to the Pacific Northwest region. The first parent of this lovely flour corn is Hopi Purple which we originally obtained from the old Seeds of Change collection from El Guique, NM. We crossed this with Magenta Parching corn which was originally bred by ​​breeders Carol Deppe and Alan Kapuler who developed this OP variety from 7 sweet corn strains and 7 Hopi strains obtained from seedsman John Kimmey. All the parent varieties look quite similar and enabled us to bulk up a wide breadth of diverse genetics and adaptation. The result is a robust plant with drought and short season adaptation that produces 2 ears of beautiful pastel pink flour corn with good milling qualities. Can also be used for hominy, posole, masa and the like. If planted farther apart it will tiller well, producing side shoots and smaller side ears given a long enough season.
Packet (1/2 oz)Â