Dutch Corn Salad Seeds
Growing wild in parts of Europe, north Africa and western Asia, corn salad is an annual that has naturalized in North America and is commonly found in corn fields, thus the name. Corn salad was historically foraged by European peasants during the medieval times to complement their diet, especially during the cooler months of the year when not much else was growing. Also sometimes called ‘’Mâche,’’ or ‘’Lamb’s Lettuce,’’ it was first mentioned by the botanist John Gerard in his book, ‘’Herball of 1597.’’ It was Jean-Baptiste de La Quintinie, lawyer and agronomist, who is credited with having introduced it to the royal gardens of King Louis XVI during the late 1600s.
About a century later, it was commonly grown around London and became common in markets as a winter vegetable. American president Thomas Jefferson is credited with having been the first in North America to grow Mâche at his Monticello estate during the late 1700s. Remaining somewhat of a rare vegetable available only during the cooler months at farmer’s markets, it remained mostly unnoticed until the 1980s, when it became available on supermarkets shelves thanks to the daring efforts of an inventive California grower.
Dutch Corn Salad is a frost-tolerant annual that produces some of the softest and most tender of all greens. The plants grow about a foot tall in a rosette shape and the oval leaves are best harvested when 3 inches long. Direct sowing in early spring or in late summer is ideal, as the plants tend to bolt easily in the heat. Excellent for overwintering when almost nothing else grows, corn salad is hardy in Canada zones 6 or higher. In colder regions, it is still a good producer with a little protection from the elements.
Corn salad is one of the rare cold-resistant vegetable that can easily supply your family and animals with fresh greens during the cold months. Its small size makes it a good option for raised beds and containers. The soft, buttery leaves have a mild, nutty flavour and are usually incorporated in salad mixes, or cooked in soups and stews.
– Latin Name: Valerianella locusta
– Life Cycle: Annual
– Planting Depth:1 cm
– Plant Spacing: 30 cm
– Growth Habit: 30 cm tall
As a cold weather crop, it’s not necessary to start seeds indoors. Dutch corn seeds can be sown directly into the garden bed early in the spring for a summer harvest and late in the summer for a fall and winter harvest.
Prepare the bed by tilling well and smoothing out with a rake. Compost can be added to increase the fertility and drainage of the soil. Plant the seeds in full sun, 1 cm deep and 3 cm apart. Seeds should sprout within two weeks, but will not germinate if the temperatures are warmer than 21 degrees. Seeds can be planted in two-week intervals to ensure a constant harvest throughout the season. Apply a layer of mulch around the plants to preserve moisture and keep weeds down, but beware of slugs.
Dutch corn will be ready to harvest in about 10 weeks. Leaves can be picked individually as needed, or the entire plant can be cut at the base, leaving 3 cm of stem above the soil for potential regrowth. If the plant begins to bolt and send up a stalk, harvest the entire plant before the leaves become too bitter. The leaves will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.
If interested in saving seeds, let one or two plants grow a stalk and form seed pods. Dig up the entire plant and set it to dry out of direct sun. Shake the dried pods to free the seeds. Collect them and store in a cool, dry location.
Dutch corn is a delicious alternative to other popular greens that is easy to maintain and be grown comfortably all year round.
– Native to the cold, high altitudes of Switzerland, Dutch corn tolerates freezing winters better than any other green.
– Dutch corn seeds will remain viable for 3 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.