Early Yellow Crookneck Squash Seeds
Squash is a staple crop that has been cultivated in North America for thousands of years. There is little mention of the Yellow Crookneck prior to the early 1800s. The book ‘’New Voyage to Carolina’’ written in 1709 references a ‘’horn-shaped” summer squash, which could refer to the crooknecks. A little earlier, Francis Higginson’s ‘’New England Plantation’’ in 1630 mentions ‘’pumpions and cowcumbers,’’ which are most likely also a reference to the early summer crookneck type of squash.
Crookneck is thought to have originated from the Arikara tribe near the head of the Missouri river and was first recorded to be cultivated by the Cooper family of Camden, New Jersey, in the early 1800s. Thomas Jefferson’s garden book describes the yellow squash with a mention of the Cooper family, who preserved the heirloom for over a hundred years. The first use of the word ‘’crookneck’’ dates from the 1820s, and the crooknecks reached Europe later than other types of squash discovered in the New World, in the late 1800s.
Considered a fast-maturing crop, the summer squash can be harvested as early as 50 to 60 days after planting seeds. Early Yellow Crookneck has the particularity of being one of the rare summer squashes that can be left to mature to a hardened gourd stage. If left on the vines longer, the fruits will turn orange and the skin will become covered with lumps, bumps and lines. The prolific producer grows conveniently as an open bush, which allows for easy harvests.
The fruits taste best and the texture is optimal when picked at 5-6 inches long. The pale yellow flesh has a mild and buttery flavour, with nutty undertones, similar to zucchinis, and the yellow skin is thin but solid enough to hold during cooking. With your surplus, you can try out the classic southern dish, Crookneck Squash Casserole, a side dish of thinly sliced and layered squash in a parmesan and cheddar cheese sauce sautéed with onions, celery and bell peppers, and topped with buttery cracker crumbs.
– Latin Name: Curcubita pepo
– Life Cycle: Annual
– Days to Maturity: 50-60
– Planting Depth: 2 cm
– Plant Spacing: 45-60 cm
– Row Spacing: 90-120 cm
– Growth Habit: Vine
Summer wouldn’t be the same without summer squash, just as fall would not be as sweet and nutty without winter squash. Squash is a staple in the home garden. A few well cared for plants will produce enormous amounts of fruit, more than plenty to cook, preserve and share with the neighbours!
Squash will thrive situated in a sunny space with rich fertile soil. Direct sowing and starting indoors are both effective methods to germinate seeds.
When planting outdoors, wait until the danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed quite a bit. Plant seeds directly into the bed at a depth of 2 cm, at least 60 cm apart. Rows should be spaced 90-120 cm apart.
Start seeds indoors in pots, about four weeks before the last frost. If kept warm, moist and well lit, squash seeds will germinate and grow at a rapid rate. After the danger of frost has passed, carefully harden off young plants. Give them shelter and slowly acclimate them to the sun. Plant and treat the roots gently, squash can be finicky when transplanting.
Water well to encourage growth and prolific flowering and fruiting. Mulch around the plants to conserve water and keep down weeds.
Pollination is crucial for squash plants. Male flowers must fertilize the female flowers in order to produce fruit. Attract bees and other pollinators by planting squash among other flowering plants.
Use a knife to cut the stems and be cautious not to tear or damage the plant.
Summer squash can grow so quickly they can be hard to keep up with. Pick small tender fruits constantly throughout the summer and into the fall.
Winter squashes have a more modest pace of growing and developing fruit. Pick these varieties in the fall, before the first frost, to store and enjoy through the winter season.
– There is a type of wild squash that grows wild in some parts of Africa, but it is the wild varieties from the Americas that were first domesticated over 8,000 years ago, predating the domestication of other crops such as corn and beans by about 4,000 years. Squash seeds were eventually brought to Europe in the 1500s.
– There are two main types of squash: ”summer” and ”winter.” Summer squash is harvested in the warm weather months and doesn’t store for long. Winter squash is usually harvested in the fall and has hard skin which allows it to keep well for months.
– Squash seeds will remain viable for 4 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.