Emerite Pole Bean
In the era of the now collectible French torchons, or cloth tea towels, Vilmorin-Andrieux was breeding culinary French Filet beans for the palates of the court of King Louis XV. Though Americans are most familiar with mid-sized green beans, the thinner French filet beans make for much better eating. Slower to turn bulgy and stringy than American-style green beans, Emerite, a pole French filet bean, these slender pole beans stay tender even when picked a bit late. Cooking is quick don’t overdo it! and the result is a pile of slender, tender vegetable that is pure ambrosia for the green bean lover’s soul. If you’ve never grown pole beans, the ease of harvest and the long season of the vines will leave you amazed at how easy green beans can be.
Be sure to provide a trellis while plants are still very young; pole beans yield generously as long as they are allowed to grow vertically.