Green Arrow Pea Seeds
An heirloom variety from England, Green Arrow is a shelling pea variety, meaning the shells should be removed and only the peas inside eaten. This shorter variety produces heavy yields of four to five inch long pods that contain about 10 sweet peas each. Green Arrow is suitable for canning and freezing.
– Latin Name: Pisum sativum
– Life Cycle: Annual
– Days to Maturity: 65-70
– Planting Depth: 2-4 cm
– Plant Spacing: 5-8 cm
– Row Spacing: 45-60 cm
Peas are a classic garden legume that can be enjoyed in a number of ways.
Sow peas directly as soon as the ground can be worked, you want your crop to mature while the weather is still cool. To reap a late crop, plant peas 6-8 weeks before the first fall frost.
Crop rotation is important for peas, as they take nitrogen from the atmosphere and add it to the soil. Heavy feeding crops planted in former pea sites will take advantage of the excess nitrogen left behind. A location provided with full sun and well-drained soil will ensure prolific production. Set up trellises for vining, climbing varieties and stakes for bush types.
Seeds can be soaked overnight to hasten germination. Sow seeds 3 cm deep and 5 cm apart. There is no need to thin. After sprouts appear, apply mulch to protect sensitive roots and retain moisture. If mulched well, peas should not need much water, less than 3 cm/week.
Most varieties should be ready in 60-70 days. Check plants every day when blooming, pods ripen rapidly and hide well. Pick in the morning, as this will yield the crispiest and most flavourful peas. Eating as soon as possible after picking is another way to enjoy the freshest taste. Take your time and use two hands to separate pods from stalks, as the main stem can be damaged easily. Once the season is in full swing, pick frequently to encourage production.
1- Shell peas are also known as English or Garden peas. Their pod is tough and fibrous and cannot be digested, so this type needs to be shelled.
2- Snow peas, unlike Shell peas, are grown for their pods rather than the seeds inside. Snow peas have an almost flat shell with no distinct pea-shape inside.
3- Snap peas, also known as sugar snap peas, were developed in the late ’60s by Calvin Lamborn, who wanted the sweetness of the green pea without having to do all the hard work of shelling them. The whole pod can be eaten raw or cooked. There may be tough strings at the seams of the pods that need to be removed, but stringless varieties are also now available.
Freeze sweet peas by shelling, blanching and packing into containers. Snow peas and snap peas will also freeze well. Just trim, de-string and blanch before packing into the freezer.
– Peas originally grew wild around the Mediterranean basin and are one of the oldest cultivated crops. By the middle ages, peas were an important part of the diet of most people in Europe. Traditionally peas have been grown for their dry seeds, but by the 17th century, it had become popular to eat green peas while immature.
– Peas are a cool-season crop with three main types: Shell, Snow, and Snap.
– Pea seeds will remain viable for 3 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.