Vicia villosa Sow seed late August to mid-October. One of the more popular and aggressive legumes and a good companion crop for the cereal grasses. Hairy Vetch can enrich the soil with 60–120 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Tolerant of acid soils, shade, and low temperatures. Hardy down to 10°F if planted early so that it is well established before winter sets in. If planted by itself, it can reach a height of 12–20 inches. It can be tilled under in the spring as with other green manures, or you can simply cut or mow to the ground (and keep cut) and plant your tomatoes and peppers. To avoid re-seeding, turn the crop under at or before flowering. Recommended seeding rate: 1 pound per 1000 square feet; 25–40 pounds per acre.
Available only in the contiguous US.