Heirloom Garden Collection
Heirloom Garden Collection
The word Heirloom comes from Medieval Europe when someone apprenticing under a master weaver would eventually become the “Heir” of the “Loom” and all the knowledge and business connections that would go with it. We have come to use the terms “heirloom” to describe something of antiquity that still exists and we treasure it. This certainly applies to the heirloom varieties of yesteryear that still posses the flavors, colors and aromas that have endeared them to generations before us.
This is a collection of some of our favorite heirloom seeds that have found a happy home in our gardens and in our hearts.
Collection Includes the following (varieties are hyperlinked to product description):
• Pepe de Rola, Pole Bean- a pretty gem shared with us at a farmer’s market
• Beet, Lutz Green Leaf – A classic heirloom with remarkably tall light green tops that can easily reach 18-22”. Roots are elongated , rather than ball shaped.
• DiCiccio Broccoli – superb flavor from it’s abundant florets
• Carrot, Dragon – a striking carrot variety that produces 7″ long, broad shouldered carrots with bright purple skin and an orange interio
• Corn, Montana Morado – a short maturing heirloom selection of tomorrow. Incredibly delicious and nutritious black flour corn with extraordinarily high levels of anthocyanins.
• Cucumber, Richmond Green Apple – compare to Lemon cucumber – but crunchier and pale green
• Chicory, Treviso Raddichio – Raddichio is a winter marvel destined to spruce up your salads
• Kale, Black Tuscan – compare to Lacinato or Dino kale
• Lettuce, Verte Mar – A big, dark-green tall heading romaine type. Uniform heads are surrounded by tasty, crisp, slightly crinkled leaves that are sweeter than other romaines. Translated from French to “Green Sea.” Good variety to grow in hot weather.
• Radish, French Breakfast – super quick growing, delectable when young.
• Pepper, Jimmy Nardello’s Sweet – early and productive & tasty!
• Chili, Chilaque Rojo – one of most productive & earliest varieties
• Zucchini, Costata Romanesco – the BEST tasting summer squash
• Tomato, Oaxacan Pink – a rare find that is amazing in many regards
• Tomatillo, Purple de Milpa – easy to grow and gorgeous
• Swiss Chard, Pink Passion – dazzling to behold and eat!
(a 14% discount over buying them separately)