Neckargold Yellow Pole Bean (35 seeds), Container Collection
About- This beautiful, yellow French pole bean will produce 8-10” long stringless pods. The plants are vigorous, heavy producers offering a large harvest of beans, making them great for freezing or canning. Variety is resistant to bean mosaic virus.
Planting– Plant in spring when the soil temperature is above 60and up until 3 months before the first frost. Grow pole beans on trellis poles or on a mesh fence to allow them to climb. Plant 2 seeds per pole, with 3” between seeds.
Care & Harvest– Grows best in soils with a pH between 6 and 7 and light fertilization. Do not over-fertilize as this will cause an overgrowth of foliage and not allow pods to form. Harvest when the pods are 8” to 10” long to encourage new pod growth.
Where– Full Sun
Depth– 1”
Spacing– 3”
Maturity– 68 Days
Approximate Seeds per Pkt– 35