Radish, Purple Sunrise
Purple SunriseÂ
Raphanus sativus  (30 days)
The project began as a friendly challenge between Dr. John Navazio and Don Tipping after a seed grow out of Plum Purple radish and noticing some off types that were more elongated. We wondered if we could breed a French Breakfast type that was purple and white instead of red and white. John’s idea was to make selections from Plum Purple off types, while Don chose the path of crossing Plum Purple with French Breakfast and selecting from there. This is an ongoing project to stabilize a cross between Plum purple and French Breakfast radishes. Begun in 2017, it still produces an occasional off type (as red seems genetically dominant to purple) but is close to the goal of elongated purple and white crisp tasty roots. We like to eat all the colors of the rainbow and know that purple is harder to find! Siskiyou Select Original
Packet (2 g ≈ 250 seeds)