Ruby Red Onion Seeds
Ruby Red onions were developed in the 1950s by John Brozdowski, a private breeder from Pine Island, New York. This open-pollinated variety was introduced to the seed market in 1964 by the Asgrow seed company and has quickly gained in popularity since.
Ruby red onions are firm and solid, globe-shaped, and medium-large in size. Reliable plants produce high yields of crunchy, aromatic bulbs, with a sweet flavour and a beautiful deep red, burgundy skin. Preferring a location in full sun, Ruby Red onions are a long-day variety, ideal for our northern climate. They are ready about 110 days after transplanting, or when the tops start falling over. An especially good keeper, properly cured bulbs can store for up to six months.
– Latin Name: Allium cepa
– Life Cycle: Perennial, usually grown as an annual
– Days to Maturity: 100-120
– Canada Hardiness Zone: 8-9
– Planting Depth: 5 mm
– Plant Spacing: 2 seeds every 5-15 cm
– Row Spacing: 30-45 cm
An onion is a kitchen staple in so many ways. They add zest, spice and healthfulness to any dish or tonic. These amazing qualities are only enhanced when you grow your own! The earthy onion is a mighty satisfying crop to raise from seed.
Indoors, 8-12 weeks before the last frost, plant seeds in small pots, two/cell. Slightly cover with soil. Bottom water and mist from above to prevent dislodging the seeds. Soil must be warmer than 10°C for germination to occur. Set seeds on a sunny windowsill or under grow lights. Don’t give seedlings extra light into the night. Most onions are photosensitive and their life cycle is dictated by the length of the days.
Young onions will require about a weeklong hardening off period before transplanting. After the danger of frost has passed, transplant onions 8-10 cm apart in rows spaced 30-60 cm.
Make sure to maintain moisture throughout the season, about 3 cm of water/week will suffice. This is especially important late, when the bulbs are sizing up.
Early in the season when the ground can be worked, mix compost into the planting bed, 25 cm deep. Remove any stones or other debris. Plentiful nutrients and loose, well-drained soil is conducive to the production of large bulbs. Full sun also plays a critical role in bulb development.
Onions planted in the spring should be ready around midsummer. Yellowing tops that are falling over indicate that bulbs are almost ready. Loosen the soil around the bulb to allow air and warmth to dry the area. Harvest by late summer in dry conditions. When the leaves are brown, it’s finally time to pull your onions. Clip the roots off and cut the tops to 3-5 cm. Handle the bulbs carefully and let cure for a few days in a barn or garage. Store in a mesh bag in a cool dry area around 4-15°C.
– Traces of onions recovered from Bronze Age settlements in China suggest that onions were cultivated as far back as 5,000 BC.
– During the 1600s, onions were taken to America by European settlers, but they were already used in Native American cuisine.
– Onions are a cool-weather crop that is best cultivated in fertile, well-drained soils.
– Onion seeds will remain viable for 1 year if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.