Shade Flower Seed Mix
About- Shade Wildflower mix is selected for partially shaded areas. Carefully designed to produce a spectrum of color and naturalized beauty throughout the growing season. The annuals selected in the mix will give cover and color until the slower growing perennials get established.
When and Where to Plant–Â Loosen soil and lightly broadcast seeds. Mixing 5 parts sand to 1 part seed will make it easier to distribute seeds evenly over the desired area.
Care and Harvest- Weed regularly in early spring and water plants during the dry spells. Deadhead when needed to encourage new growth.
Mix Contains-Â Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Annual Candytuft, Baby Blue-Eyes, Purple Coneflower, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Annual Baby’s Breath, Rocket Larkspur, Corn Poppy, Sweet William Pinks, Chinese Houses, Spurred Snapdragon, Johnny Jump-Up, Giant Columbine, Dwarf Columbine, Forget-Me-Not, Tussock Bellflower, Monkey Flower and Clarkia.
Type-Â Perennial & Annual mix
Planting Depth–Â 1/8″
Days to Germination–Â 7-20
Plant Spacing–Â Scatter as desired
Height-Â 12-36″
Approximate Seeds per Pkt. –Â 600
2 Oz. contains enough seed to cover 500 sq. ft.
1 lb. covers up to 4,000 sq. ft.