Tillage Radish Cover Crop
Tillage radish is the perfect crop for breaking up hardpan soils or improving tilth in workable but heavy soils. It is similar to a daikon radish, with big, strong roots that plunge deep into the soil. Sown in late summer, it forms these giant roots and is then winter killed, which turns the roots into mush as the soil thaws. After a few weeks, the root mush starts to dry up, leaving behind air channels that help establish deeper tilth and dramatically increases the surface area of the soil that is exposed to air, allowing the soil to dry out more quickly especially helpful in wet springs.
Sow 4-8 weeks before first fall frost (Late August or early September in zone 5). Note that you’ll want to avoid putting brassica crops directly into beds just occupied by tillage radish. Wait til later in the season or the following year.
Garden Pack: 1 ounce, sows roughly 125 square feet
Homestead Pack: ¼ pound, sows roughly 400 square feet
Farm Pack: ½ pound, sows roughly 800 square feet
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