Tulip Doll’s Minuet Flower Bulbs
A fabulous variety and much famed for its bright magenta pink flowers with green and purple splashed on the outer petals. Tall and strong and good for cutting.
Late Flowering Tulips
These classic cup shaped forms on tall, elegant stems are what we envisage when we think of this spring-flowering favourite. These simple yet stunning blooms are available in nearly every possible shade.
Plant your tulips between November and December at a depth of approximately 10-15cm/4-6in, approximately 20cm/8in apart, in fertile, well-drained soil in a sunny position. Planting sooner can result in frost damage to the growing shoot. We recommend dead-heading once the blooms begin to fade and feeding with a fertiliser for a few weeks for stronger bulbs next season.
All our bulbs supplied as top grade bulbs.