Victoria Rhubarb Seeds
This popular heirloom was first released in 1837 in Deptford, England, and was named in honour of the Queen at the time. In 1938, Victoria rhubarb was introduced to the USA via Burpee’s seed catalogue and it quickly became a garden anchor, particularly in northern climates. This perennial will remain extremely productive for many years to come, so choosing an appropriate location is crucial.
Victoria rhubarb prefers partial shade but is so tough it can easily withstand a burning afternoon sun. These plants can tolerate a fair amount of neglect and are quite easy to grow from seeds. The slightly sweet, juicy stalks are deep crimson red with a touch of green on the inside and are an ideal cooking type of rhubarb. Victoria rhubarb is perfect for pies, cobblers and muffins.
– Row Spacing: 90-120 cm
If you enjoy the tart stalks, starting your own rhubarb patch would be a worthy investment. Growing rhubarb from seed will be a two-year commitment. First get the bed established, and then see production the following year. Rhubarb isn’t a particularly picky plant. Without much maintenance, this perennial bush will reward you bountifully for a good long time.
Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the final frost. Starting with small pots, plant two seeds in each, about 1 cm deep. Maintain moisture, warmth and a constant light source through the seedling phase.
Rhubarb will do well under full sun and tolerate partial shade. Make sure to choose a site that is well-drained. The crowns and roots are liable to rot if planted in soggy soil. Keep in mind each plant will eventually sprawl and take up much space. Plant seedlings about 90 cm apart and allow to spread and fill out the bed.
In the first season clip flower stems to promote the establishment of the roots. At 25 cm tall, harvest stalks by cutting at the base or twist stalks until they break from the base. Don’t pick heavily, especially a young plant. Always leave enough that the plant can regenerate.
Beware of the poisonous leaves, discard them somewhere inaccessible to children and pets. In mid to late summer, drastically slow down your picking. Plants will need this time to grow and generate and store energy for the winter.
Rhubarb can be used very much like a fruit. It’s deliciously sweet and tart when baked in a pie or concocted into a sauce or preserve. When established after a few years, separate the plants if they get too crowded. Rhubarb will perform especially well in cold climates. The unfurling green leaves and magenta shoots are a welcoming sight in the spring.
– The Chinese have used rhubarb roots for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. During Islamic times, rhubarb was imported along the Silk Road, eventually reaching Europe by the 14th century.
– Although rhubarb is a vegetable, it is often put to the same culinary uses as fruits.
– Rhubarb seeds will remain viable for 3 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.