(Outdoors) Stropharia rugoso annulata Meaty Wine Caps emerge with a rounded, cabernet-colored cap and develop to an enormous size—up to a foot in diameter—earning them the nickname Garden Giant! We enjoy them when they’re young and tender, but the larger size fruit are excellent on the grill. Culture of these marvels is relatively simple, as they thrive in a variety of media including hardwood chips, leaf litter, grass clippings and straw. Locate them in the garden among leafy veggies or rows of corn, this variety breaks down the mulch and makes vital nutrients available to the neighboring crops. Wine Caps produce each spring and summer for up to 3 years, and you can also transplant established mycelium into fresh mulch in new garden areas.
Mushroom kits are wonderful gifts to give and receive. Wine Caps are a garden companion and grow along side of your veggie crops. The best time to start a Wine Cap crop is spring or early fall when the outdoor temperatures are between 55-75° F. One Wine Cap kit will inoculate a 4′ x 4′ area. Complete instructions included with every order. Mushroom kits ship at the time the order is placed and should be started within one week of receipt. Available only within the contiguous US.